Gay Galilee
The branch was officially opend at the spring of 2002. The responsibility of serving the GLBTcommunity in Kiryat Shmona as well as community members from rurall settlements in the Glilee region,prsented anormous challenges. An entire infrastructure of basic activities was built in order to meet the needs of this community. Seminars on sexual orientation and gender issues have been offerd to the GLBT Galilee community,as well as to the population at large. We have had great success in changing existing prejudices regarding GLBT issues. Unfortunately, the municipality oh Kiryat Shmona does not as yet officially recognize the branch. Other regional councils such as "Mevoot Hahermon" and "Upper Galilee" do, and have been very cooperative. Here are some of our activities:
Different sopport groups meet at the branch's facility: Youth group 30+ group for men Women's group Tehila (P-Flag) Radio show - broadcast once a week on wednesdays Group of soldiers, male and female Support and information hot line
Our objectives for 2004:
Continue to provide support groups for various populations within the commnity A new initiative with Tel - Hay college is under way to be implemented in the 2003 - 2004 school year, with the School Of Social Work. Reach as many of the GLBT community in the Galilee as possible, provide them with a safe and comfortable meeting place, an opportunity to participate in social activities, e.g. picnics, parties, atc. Increase the percentage of participants in the branch's programs who become members of the Aguda. Expand the hours that the hot line functions to 4 hours per day, (from the present tow) Expand the geographical range of activities to include more of the Western Galilee. As the branch hes expanded the number of people with whom it is contact (parents youngsters and some other groups), A clear need exists for a social worker on staff, to provide professional sopport necessary for these individuals and groups.
To accomplish our obgectives we need YOU!!!! as a volonteer, As well as your financial support.
For more info please e-mail us.
Donation Information:
Worldwide: Stuart S. Kurlander,Esq. Phone: 202-6372169 Checks can be made out to: "American Friends of the Aguda" and sent to: P.O.B 218555, Washington D.C 20009 - 1855
In Israel:
Checks can be made out to: "Society for the Protection of Personal Rights" P.O.B 291 Kiryat Shmona 11012
הזכויות שמורות ל"גאים בגליל" - אגודת ההומואים, הלסביות,
הביסקסואלים והטרנסג'נדרס בישראל. |